Heal + Decondition

Are you ready to finally break free from all of the blocks that are preventing you from fully stepping into BEING YOU?

8 healing sessions

8 X Root Cause Therapy Sessions

Weekly text support following session

$222 (AUD) per session

$1,777 (AUD) in total (payment plans available)

12 healing sessions

12 X Root Cause Therapy Sessions

Weekly text support following session

$189 (AUD) per session

$2,270 (AUD) in total (payment plans available)

Welcome to A Holistic approach to ‘therapy’…. we go beyond just talking

Are you ready to feel more:

  • CALM, RELAXED and flow through life with EASE?

  • HAPPY, CONTENT, CONFIDENT and JOY (even during the more ‘mundane’ parts of life)?

  • CONFIDENT (within yourself and your decisions)?

  • CONNECTION and PRESENCE to yourself and loved ones?

  • EMBODY your Human Design and BREAK FREE from your CONDITIONING? Clear the blocks that are holding you back from fully stepping in?

    Up until now you’ve likely just been managing your current challenges. For example if you struggle with anxiety….. Medication? Talk therapy? Alcohol or substance abuse to numb the stress?

    Rather than just band aid and manage the symptom. Root Cause Therapy works on healing the issue at the ‘root cause’. We go deep into the subconscious mind and the body to release negative emotions, beliefs, and patterns that have held you back and made you feel this way.

    Think of your problem like a weed. The leaves are your current symptoms (e.g. anxiety) if we were to just manage your symptom by cutting the top off it would go away for a while but always end up growing back. When you pull the weed out from the root it is gone forever. This is exactly how we treat your symptoms.

    Often, we can see (and get frustrated) when our conditioning keeps us stuck. We consciously want to show up a certain way, e.g. saying no and not people please…. yet we give in and sabotage ourselves..... this indicates a deep rooted belief that is driving the behaviour. 

    We are all driven by the power of our subconscious minds, where our deep-rooted beliefs live. It runs 99% of our lives. In order to show up differently in life we need to get to the root cause of a belief. This is the most effect way to clear the block and re write the script so that you show up in a more aligned, authentic way.

Client feedback - after one session

Totally a massive energetic shift. Something massive was shifted last session and it removed a massive weight I have been unconsciously carrying all this time. I noticed this week I didn't have such intensely visceral and anxious responses when it came to any conflict. Usually with this family law stuff, my heart racing, I get strong feeling of butterflies, I feel extremely flighty and my throat tenses right up and feels blocked. I experienced next to none of these symptoms this week.”

Client sleep improvements - after 2 sessions

I fall asleep and stay asleep. I enter deep sleep quicker and stay there for longer. My sleeping app is picking up the same information I'm feeling so good. But yeah. Crazy mental energy, good physical responses (muscle tension not bothering me, cheek burning is non existent, zero reflux etc) and great sleep and waking up mostly pretty well.


  • Weekly or fortnightly sessions (2 hours for the first session then 1.5 hours thereafter).

  • Online (Zoom sessions) - Allows you to relax during the healing session in the comfort of your own home with zero travel time.

  • Text support - For any questions, queries, help, guidance on whatever may come up following the healing sessions. (For fortnightly session support provided for 1 week)

Client Feedback

I really loved how you were able to decipher what I needed last week. I also felt really comforted by your knowledge and expertise. I told you what I was feeling, what I wanted and what I also was thinking (conscious and subconscious battle 😅) and from there you were able to guide me through on what to do next. Thank you for that 😁

Client Feedback

Everything was pretty amazing. You were so kind, compassionate and just ooze patience. I felt really safe with you.