1/3 Manifesting Generator


Hello and welcome. I live a varied and multi passionate life! Which I never understood until uncovering my Human Design. Since starting my own healing journey and Human Design experiment, I have been able to understand myself and live life much more freely, all by taking simple actionable steps. My goal is to help others to do the same by really simplifying the healing work by using Root Cause Therapy and Human Design.

I’m not your typical ‘healer’. I’m your real, raw, down to earth every day woman, mum, wife, friend that is riding the highs and lows of life right beside you!

It’s been a journey to get here but I take pride in myself being totally unapologetically ME! I now strive for authenticity over perfection.

As you have already experienced, life is a roller coaster filled with highs and lows. At times we can feel busy, overwhelmed, challenged, stuck, frustrated but also equally feel amazing, liberated, satisfied, content and free! I’m here to remind you that this is all part of the journey and not to judge what stage you are at or how you are feeling on any given day. Let’s embrace all of this crazy human experience we are in together.

I love to connect with people and go deep! My aura has a way of breaking down walls and barriers with people, and I can make people feel at ease instantly. I’ve been through a lot in life (I mean, haven’t we all), but I will always have compassion for others, hold the space and anchor into what needs to be shared.

I’m here to be the light for others and help condition people positively through my experiences, connection, and compassion.

I offer personalised Human Design readings and Healing containers. Whether you’re seeking guidance in your relationships, parenting, career, or personal growth, I can provide clarity to help you understand yourself and others on a deeper level.

I guide you to heal, to release the blockages that are holding you back in life so that you can experience a life filled with more happiness, joy, freedom and confidence to achieve your desires!

Regardless of what stage in life you are at, where you are on your journey, or what your spiritual knowledge is, I will meet you where you are at and hold the space for YOU!