What is Human Design?

When I stumbled across Human Design, the part that initially intrigued me was it’s scientific element. Human design is a hybrid modality, part science and part spiritual.

Founded in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu, Human Design synthesizes Astrology, I Ching, Chakra system, Kabbalah, Neutrinos, Magnetic Monopole and Quantum Physics.

Your birth date, time and location are used to generate your chart. Once you understand the elements of your chart, you then have your own individual user manual for the game of life. Living by your design is all about ‘unbecoming’ and bringing you back to your authentic self, who you were born into this world as before any conditioning got hold of you.

Benefits of Human Design

|| Highlights your strengths, gifts, and purpose ||

|| Connects you your true essence. Do you ever think, “Who even am I?” “What’s my purpose”, “what am I here for?” ||

|| Gives you a permission slip to be your true authentic self ||

|| Helps you understand how your individual energy works and how to best use it ||

|| Guides you to make soul-aligned decisions, rather than decisions driven from your mind and ego (a place of lack/fear) ||